It's currently a difficult time for traveling, but that doesn't mean we can't make it into an opportunity! I've been using this time to continue brainstorming for future travel and how to improve the experience. I noticed it can be pretty annoying to write out a packing list every time so I made these Ultimate Packing Lists. You can print them out or check them off right on your phone/computer as you pack. I even made extra slots for you to customize it into your own list! These lists will make sure you're relaxing on your trip instead of shopping for everything you forgot.

I'm a Korean-American who moved to Germany without ever having been abroad before! I started this blog then (read more here), but I'm now back in the US. Now based in Wilmington, NC living a sunny beach life. Please feel free to reach out anytime with any questions!
- Moving to Germany 14
- Travel 8
- Expat Discoveries 5
- Life in Germany 5
- Paperwork 5
- Shopping 5
- Culture 4
- Moving with your dogs 3
- Travel in Germany 3
- Freebies 1
- Italy 1
- Public Transit 1